Abandoing StockSpy after using them for 3.5 Years.
I don’t want to do this, but I’ve changed my 5 star rating to 1 star because this app can no longer support adding or search new stocks( a necesasry and very basic requirement for any good stock app). Here is an example for those thinking of buying this app: GoDaddy is traded on the NYSE and has 5.13 Billion Market Cap. If you use StockSpy to search “GoDaddy” it will return 0 results. I need to use a 2nd stock spy app just to learn Godaddy’s ticket symbols “GDDY” and even after typign in “GDDY” Stock Spy returns 0 results and treats it as an invaild ticker symbol that must be added “manually” to your watch list. This is absurd and very disappointing after 3.5 years of using this app and 3 large StockSpy Purchases(Mac/iPhone/iPad). It’s time to move on abandon use.
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StockSpy Realtime Stock Market